Selected collective publications

, by Guillaume Wauquier

 Bongiorno, J. & S. Herment (2022). "High Rising Terminals in Dublin: forms, functions and gender", Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 23-26 May 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

 Bongiorno, J. & S. Herment (2018). "A qualitative analysis of rising tones in Dublin English", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 13-16 June, Poznan, Pologne.

 Bongiorno, J., Herment, S. & A. Théveniaut (to appear), "The PAC-prosody protocol: eliciting speaking styles for prosodic analysis. The example of Irish English", In Przewozny, A., Rouaud, J. & A. Josselin-Leray, Description, Models and Representations of Contemporary English-Speaking Communities, Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi.

 Brulard, I., P. Carr & J. Durand (eds.) (2015). La prononciation de l’anglais contemporain dans le monde : Variation et structure. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi.

 Carr, P., S. Detey & C. Lyche (eds.) (2013). Universalism and variation in phonology: papers in honour of Jacques Durand, Language Sciences, 39.

 Carr, P., J. Durand & M. Pukli (2004). “The PAC project: principles and methods.” La tribune internationale des langues vivantes, 36, 24-35.

 Carr, P. & I. Brulard (2006). "Anglo-English Influences on Standard Scottish English Speakers: trap/bath/palm/start and lot/cloth/thought/north/force." Scottish Language, 25, 31-45.

 Carr, P., J. Durand & M. Pukli (eds.) (2004). “La prononciation de l’anglais : accents et variation.” La Tribune Internationale des Langues Vivantes, 36.

 Chatellier, H. & S. Moore (2015). “L’anglais de Manchester”, in I. Brulard, P. Carr & J. Durand (eds.) La prononciation de l’anglais contemporain dans le monde : Variation et structure. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi, 265–283.

 Contreras-Roa, L., Mairano, P., Bouzon, C. & M. Capliez (2020). "Voice assimilation of morphemic -s in the L2 English of L1 French, L1 Italian and L1 Spanish learners". Anglophonia, 30.

 Durand, J., S. Navarro & C. Viollain (2014). “Le ‘r’ de sandhi en anglais : corpus et méthodologie”, in C. Soum-Favaro, A. Coquillon & J.-P. Chevrot (eds.), La liaison : approches contemporaines, Berne: Peter Lang, 317-344.

 Durand, J., S. Navarro & C. Viollain (2015). “R-sandhi in English: how to constrain theoretical approaches.” Global Communication Studies, vol.2, World Englishes. Global Communication Institute: Kanda University of International Studies, Japan, 103-132.

 S. Navarro & C. Viollain (2020). “R-sandhi in English and liaison in French: two phenomenologies in the light of the PAC and PFC data”, in A. Przewozny, C. Viollain & S. Navarro (eds.), The Corpus Phonology of English: Multifocal Analyses of Variation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

 Durand, J. & A. Przewozny (2012). “La phonologie de l’anglais contemporain : usages, variétés et structure.” Revue française de linguistique appliquée 17(1): 25-36.

 Durand, J. & A. Przewozny (2015). “La variation et le programme PAC”, in I. Brulard, P. Carr & J. Durand (eds.), La prononciation de l’anglais contemporain dans le monde : Variation et structure. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi, 55-91.

 Durand, J. & M. Pukli (2004). “How to construct a phonological corpus: PRAAT and the PAC project”. La tribune internationale des langues vivantes, 36: 36-46.

 Kamiyama, T., Herry-Bénit, N., Trifu-Dejeu, I. & A. Gros-Bonfiglioli (2018). "L’opposition fortis / lenis des occlusives en fin de mot en anglais : Liste de mots isolée lue par les apprenants francophones", XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP), 4-8 June, Aix-en-Provence, France.

 Mairano, P., Contreras-Roa, L., Capliez, M. & C. Bouzon (2021). "The /s/ /z/ voice contrast in L1 French, L1 Spanish and L1 Italian learners of L2 English". LIA - Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 12(2).

 Mairano P., Bouzon C., Capliez M. & V. De Iacovo (2019). "Acoustic distances, Pillai scores and LDA classification scores as metrics of L2 comprehensibility and nativelikeness", in S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren (eds.), Proceedings of the 19 th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia.

 Przewozny, A., Viollain, C. & S. Navarro (eds.) (2020). The Corpus Phonology of English: Multifocal Analyses of Variation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

 Przewozny, A. & C. Viollain (2016). “On the representation and evolution of Australian English and New Zealand English”. Anglophonia - French Journal of English Linguistics, 21, Presses Universitaires du Midi.

 Rodrigues Da Mota, C., & S. Herment (2016). “The pragmatic functions of the final particle eh and of High Rising Terminals in Canadian English: quite similar, eh!.” Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 31 May-3 June, Boston, USA.

 Rouaud, J., Huet, N., Przewozny, A. (2022). “Assessing spoken English performance and self-efficacy beliefs in the classroom: some considerations on the value of an interdisciplinary embodied methodology for French Learners of English”, RANAM, Recherches Anglaises et Nord-Américaines, vol.55, Pronunciation matters: Current perspectives on teaching and learning L2 phonology.

 Théveniaut, A. & S. Herment (2023). "Phonetics or phonology? The case of falling contours in County Galway English". Anglophonia - French Journal of English Linguistics, 35, Presses Universitaires du Midi.

 Viollain, C. & H. Chatellier (2018). “De petits corpus pour une grande base de données sur l’anglais oral contemporain : quels enjeux à la lumière du programme PAC ?” Les petits corpus, Corpus 18.

 Viollain, C. & J. Durand (2020). “On the New Zealand Short Front Vowel Shift”, in A. Przewozny, C. Viollain & S. Navarro (eds.), The Corpus Phonology of English: Multifocal Analyses of Variation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.